Monday, April 16, 2007

Dear Sister: Va. Tech Remix

Ok, the title is misleading. I'm a misleader.

Last Saturday night, SNL featured a pretty funny "digital short" featuring surreal/dark humor and poked fun at the OC and the ubiquitous use of Imogen Heap.

Here's the scene from the OC that is referenced:

Here's SNL's "Dear Sister" (not sure if that's the actual name of the skit:)

(this video isnt an official NBC youtube video, and could possibly be a dead link by the time you're reading this.)

Well, this was pretty funny Saturday night. But NBC has taken it down from their youtube site, presumably due to the events that occured at Virgina Tech on Monday morning.

Which brings up these questions:

Q. If this was funny Saturday, why isn't it funny today?

Q. Did people die from gun violence on Friday?

Q. How many people must die during one event to make it a national tragedy? 3? 5? 12? 32? 5000?

Q. How many news stories does it take to make an individual feel personally effected by another people's tragedy?

Q. How long will it take for a short film featuring absurdist humor about gun violence to be popularly (as opposed to privately, among friends) funny again?

Q. Did Imogen Heap spontaneously play 32 times today at Va Tech?

Q. Is it just me, or does the real life massacre actually add more absurdity to the film, which, in part, was mocking the manufactured sentimentality of pop music?

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